...and talked to the partners at the company I work at.
The company makes all types of nutritional supplements...
...and things that help people transform their health.
I wanted to transform the way people look too.
And I'd love to send you 3 free bottles of my new formula, more on that in a moment...
I experienced first-hand what this did for my confidence and my outlook on life.
I spoke up at our weekly meeting.
“I think we should create a CBD skin cream,” I blurted out before we had even started.
It was a little out of left field but I was nervous and I had never pitched a product idea before.
Then I pressed on.
“CBD has done wonders for my skin and I think we should help more people get the same results.”
“Cat,” my boss said, “I love this idea!
I feel like in the last few months you have transformed yourself.
I’ve seen a difference here at work.
After the divorce you were depressed and it showed.
I felt bad for you but didn’t know how to tell you.
Now your confidence is back and you just have this glow.
So many folks our age are wilting away, but you’ve blossomed.”
And that was it, that’s what I needed to get started.